Iron Horse Symposium
NNRY's Iron Horse Symposium continues a longstanding historical tradition of a Fall gathering of railfans from all over the country a weekend-long immersion experience.

There will be opportunity for hands-on experiences in the shops, yard, and right-of-way.
Experiences for this year include:
- Working demonstration of historic equipment, such as Nevada Northern Steam Wrecking Crane "A" -- The oldest working steam crane on any US railroad.
- Seeing Steam locomotives 81 and 93 in operation.
- See the NNRY diesel locomotives in operation. ALCOS RS-2 #105 and RS-3 #109 will be mu’d and Baldwin VO #801 will be fired up!
- Train ride “mixer” with employees and participants. Coaches 7 & 8
- On Display will be Rotary Snowplow #A, Baggage/RPO #20, Coach #5 and Outfit 06
Plenty of photo run-by opportunities
- Optional opportunities to see the Ruth Copper Mine - the third largest open-pit on the American Continent.

Available Options
There is usually ample lodging available in Ely during the Symposium, but it is a good idea to book well in advance.
Get information on How to get to Ely and Places to Stay.